My Characters on Ansible

I've had several characters on Ansible. First, and most spectacularly wonderful, was Cheyan. I created her on December 4, 1998, and graduated her on April 9, 2001. She existed for 2 years, 4 months, and 5 days real-time, and commanded Raven Army for 7 months and 18 days. I loved her enough that 'Cheyan' or 'Cheyinka' is the name I use on other sites now. She deserves a page of her own, but doesn't have one yet.

Three logs:
Cheyan gets in a fight
Cheyan gets in another fight
Cheyan gets command

+-----[ Cheyan ]--------------------------------------------------------------+
| Cheyan is a young girl, slightly shorter than average, with short-cropped,  |
| dark hair and emerald eyes. She looks to be about eleven or twelve years    |
| old, though the shadows in her eyes suggest she's seen too much for those   |
| years. Her body's thin and wiry, like she's little more than sinew and      |
| bone... and the tense, alert way she carries herself only emphasizes that   |
| impression.                                                                 |
|                                                                             |
| Cheyan's uniform fits her perhaps a bit too tightly, as if she will need a  |
| new one soon. Oddly enough, there seems to be a hint of red knotwork in     |
| places, especially around the neckline, and the outline of a stylized Raven |
| seems to perch on the triangle-shaped patch on Cheyan's shoulder.           |
|                                                                             |
| She is wearing a jet black uniform with red lightning bolts slashing down   |
| the arms and legs and a Commander's patch.                                  |
|                                                                             |
| Cheyan is the Commander of Raven Army.                                      |

A plot wherein Dragon Army was retired took place while I had Cheyan. For that plot, I played Lasca (although other people could connect as him as well).

+-----[ Lasca ]---------------------------------------------------------------+
| Lasca is a tall, lightskinned boy with light brown hair and eyes. He does   |
| not appear particularly strong - but appearances /can/ be deceiving - and   |
| he /does/ look very agile and flexible. His eyes gleam alertly, though his  |
| face looks weary beyond endurance.                                          |
|                                                                             |
| He is wearing the gray uniform with orange and green stripes of Dragon Army |
| and a Commander's patch.                                                    |
|                                                                             |
| Lasca is the Commander of Dragon Army.                                      |

After I graduated Cheyan, my next two relaunch attempts were Connor and Jennan. I ended up fading them out because I couldn't get interested in them, especially not Jennan. I think part of the problem (maybe a lot of the problem) is that I created new characters for them.

So, on January 20, 2002, I had #3668 renamed to Caitlin. She was fun, and I ended up playing her all the way through to command of Scorpion Army - an inactive army. It's a good thing that I did get an inactive army, because commanding Raven was exhausting, and I really didn't have a lot of energy. At any rate, Caitlin graduated on February 4th, 2004 - 2 years and 15 days of existence, 7 months and 23 days of command. This is the page I set up while she was in command of Scorpion: it has links to the barracks as I designed it and to a page with more information about her.

+-----[ Caitlin ]-------------------------------------------------------------+
| Caitlin is a tall girl, wiry and tough-looking. If she's begun to develop   |
| feminine curves, the development must have just started, as she does not    |
| look much different than the boys her age. Her light blond hair is straight |
| and short, just barely touching the tops of her ears. Ice-blue eyes, often  |
| lit with a mocking gleam, peer out of a narrow, pale face. Her expression   |
| is usually quite solemn, especially around the staff, but sometimes that    |
| seriousness is broken by a genuine, if small, smile. There is something     |
| *different* about her since she got command - it's hard to put a finger on  |
| what exactly has changed, though.                                           |
|                                                                             |
| She is wearing the purple uniform with gray and red stripes of Scorpion     |
| Army and a Commander's patch.                                               |
|                                                                             |
| Caitlin is the Commander of Scorpion Army.                                  |

Next I renamed and relaunchiefied as Marian. I played her from February 4th, 2004 to September 24th, 2006, and she had command from August 22nd, 2005 to September 24th, 2006. She went from launch right to Manticore Army, and then from Manticore right to command of Tide, an active army. This is the page for her.

+-----[ Marian (dictum sapienti sat est) ]------------------------------------+
| Marian is a small, slender girl, likely about eleven years old. Someone who |
| doesn't know her well would likely mistake her for a boy, given her very    |
| short hair, boyish figure, and aggressive manner. Her hair, what can be     |
| seen of it, is dark brown, and appears nearly black next to her pale skin.  |
| Her bright green eyes sometimes make her look more alert than she really    |
| is, helping to offset the near-permanent dark circles underneath them.      |
| Despite her slenderness, she seems more strong than agile, and more         |
| purposeful than graceful.                                                   |
|                                                                             |
| She is wearing the dark blue uniform with white and light blue stripes of   |
| Tide Army and a Commander's patch.                                          |
|                                                                             |
| Marian is the Commander of Tide Army.                                       |